A resident of Eureka for 17 years, I have had the privilege to be surrounded by a community that believes in helping one another, keeping our town beautiful and safe, and in preserving the hometown values that make Eureka a great place to live. When my wife Taylor and I married, the thought of living anywhere else wasn’t a consideration- we love this community, and we are proud to call it home! We look forward to growing our family here so one day our children can experience the same kind of childhood we cherish from growing up here.
I am an IT professional, currently working as a Network/Systems Administrator at Pekin Community High School. Taylor is a Nurse at OSF, working in women's care. We enjoy taking our Dutch Shepherd Macy for walks around town, going to local events, and giving love and care to our beautiful ( but very old) home!
My faith as a Christian is an important part of my life, and leadership and serving others has been a consistent calling for much of my life. That same calling has led me to serve and be involved in my community and its local government. When serving in any capacity, I invest the time to learn as much as I can about the organization and its goals. I use that foundation to develop a plan that centers around Vision, Service, and Dedication. Vision- to continue strengthening and growing our community in a direction that sustains incremental growth balancing the preservation of hometown values. Service- devoting my energy to serving and meeting the needs of our community as a servant leader. Striving to serve individual needs while keeping the big picture goals in view. Too often, personal agendas can derail the goals that serve the whole community. Equitable delivery of services is a top priority for this city. And finally, Dedication- being fully dedicated to this community and constantly working hard for the citizens of this community. Consistent leadership is a hallmark of a well run organization.
Maintain our hard won fiscal stability by maintaining a balanced budget, as well as promoting continued fiscal responsibility among the City Council and throughout our City Departments.
Strengthen collaboration between the City and our local businesses. Work with our local businesses association to continue supporting and promoting our local businesses, as well as developing initiatives to grow our business community through new business development.
Continue to provide solid plans for capital improvements for our Water, Sewer, Stormwater and Streets departments. Prioritize immediate needs, focusing on water quality and adaptation to changing stormwater needs.
Utilizing Eureka’s Comprehensive plan, continue to strategize and plan for the future of the City of Eureka- which includes continued sustainable population growth.
Served on the City Council as an Alderman of Ward III from 2016-2018
Served as Public Safety Chairman while on the council.
Served as a member of several committees while on the council, including the Budget/Finance Committee, Economic Development and Tourism Committee, and the Enterprise Committee.
Worked with State Representatives and Administration to push for amendments to police pensions bills.
Worked closely with previous mayors and Administration on long term planning and budget goals.
Appointed as a Commissioner on the Tri County Regional Planning Commission in 2018.
Successfully acquired a Community Transportation Plan grant through the Tri County Regional Planning Commission- a grant to study alternative transportation methods in Eureka, focusing on sidewalks and walking paths.
Long standing member of the Eureka Events Committee (formerly the Reagan Festival Committee). Working to plan multiple large and small community events throughout the year, including the 4th of July Celebration in the park.
Appointed Director of Emergency Services in 2019, a Leadership role overseeing our Emergency Services Disaster Agency.



Fiscal Stability

It would be an honor to have your support! If you would like a yard sign, please send me an email, text, or fill out the form below and one will be delivered to your house!